Our interdisciplinary teams, comprised of technological, production and construction experts, create affordable and inviting living space made of wood using sustainable construction methods.

Our vision

We are committed to transforming the construction industry through our scalable and efficient approach to serial production with timber, actively driving the energy transition in the building sector.


At NOKERA, the world of tomorrow is being built today.

> 116,000

production capacities in the largest serial timber construction factory


months total construction time thanks to industrial production processes

~ 3,500


~ 80%

in-house production of all components


state-of-the-art production facilities in Germany

Digitalization drives us forward.

As a leader in innovation, we are blazing new trails in order to bring the construction sector into the age of “Industry 4.0”. Industrial manufacturing of building components enabled by a fully digitalized process allows us to quickly and economically construct sustainable housing that is ready for use.

Our products

From forest to apartment building

What does NOKERA stand for?

We stand for sustainability, openness, and a respectful approach both internally and externally. Thanks to our low-emission building system with timber, CO₂ emissions can be significantly reduced while providing customers with a great added value in terms of efficiency and living quality. NOKERA is a pioneer in modern construction: adaptable and dynamic, continuously optimising processes and remaining open to new ideas.


  • N for sustainable (nachhaltig)
  • O for open (offen)
  • K for climate-neutral (klimaneutral)
  • E for efficient (effizient)
  • R for respectful (respektvoll)
  • A for adaptable (anpassungsfähig)

At NOKERA, expertise meets passion.

Our approximately 3,500 specialists with extensive experience in serial planning and construction work closely together across all NOKERA locations, thanks to digitalisation and the seamless integration of planning, production, and assembly.








We build with timber from sustainable forestry


Timber is a renewable and highly sustainable building material. It binds CO₂, thereby contributing to the reduction of the carbon footprint. Additionally, timber construction uses less water.



The lower weight, easy workability, and high degree of achievable prefabrication through the use of timber enable fast and logistically optimised construction projects.



NOKERA has won the German Sustainability Award 2025 with the commendation that the company has 'made particularly effective, exemplary contributions to transformation' and, as a pioneer, has sent the right signals to the construction industry and beyond.


More sustainable together

Through memberships and partnerships with various associations, we are committed to sustainable construction. In the framework agreement "Serial and Modular Construction 2.0" by GdW, we offer a solution with the NOKERA system for fast, cost-effective housing construction of high quality.

Framework agreement "Serial and modular construction 2.0" by GdW

Member of "Koalition für Holzbau" for sustainable building

Use of PEFC-certified wood from sustainable forestry in Germany

Participant of the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein

Official Supporter of the UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate

Would you like to learn more? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

How can we reach you?

Would you like to build with us? We look forward to your project request.

Consent to data storage

For whistleblowing concerns, please contact us via whistleblowing@nokera.com. Your concerns will be treated confidentially and processed without delay. We are required by law to keep you informed about developments regarding your concern. Upon request, we will be happy to inform you about the process and provide you with our internal whistleblower policy.